September 1, 2015

We’re hosting our next Sole Hope party!

If you haven’t figured it out, Glass Door Salon is a pretty special place.  Besides the fact that the studio once was a two car garage filled with everything but the two cars, our little salon is also a bit unique at its heart. We see this beautiful space that we have and believe there’s a lot of potential to do good for others, beyond the scope of *incredible* hair services.  Sometimes we get stuck in our Northern Virginia bubble, but […]

(703) 568-6477



Tues./Fri.: 9:00-5:30

Wed.: 11:30-8:00

Thurs. 9:00-5:30 OR 11:30-8:00

Saturday: 9:00-4:00

Sun./Mon.: Closed

Glass Door Salon

  • 22237 Shaw Rd.
    Unit B3
    Sterling, VA 20166
    (Across from Emilio's)
  • (703) 568-6477