Tues./Fri.: 9:00-5:30
Wed.: 11:30-8:00
Thurs. 9:00-5:30 OR 11:30-8:00
Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Sun./Mon.: Closed
Glass Door Salon
- 22237 Shaw Rd.
Unit B3
Sterling, VA 20166
(Across from Emilio's)
If you haven’t figured it out, Glass Door Salon is a pretty special place. Besides the fact that the studio once was a two car garage filled with everything but the two cars, our little salon is also a bit unique at its heart.
We see this beautiful space that we have and believe there’s a lot of potential to do good for others, beyond the scope of *incredible* hair services. Sometimes we get stuck in our Northern Virginia bubble, but it’s important to remember that there’s a whole world out there full of hurting and less fortunate people.
This Saturday, September 26th at 5:30, we will be hosting our second Sole Hope jean-cutting party! Among other things, Sole Hope is an organization that provides shoes for the children of Uganda (whose feet would otherwise be infested with jiggers, resulting in excruciating pain and potentially fatal outcomes). Sole Hope relies on state-side support to send shoe templates – made from unwanted jeans – to the men and women of Uganda whom they pay a fair wage to sew and finish these shoes.
So, what are we asking for here?
We want your unused jeans! (You know the ones you don’t wear anymore… just wasting space in your closet… They’d make about four pairs of shoes each!)
We want your clean, empty milk jugs! (These are wonderful for stiff heel support!)
But most importantly, we’d love YOU to come join us… with a friend! We had quite a crew here last time and were able to make 40 shoe templates. Last time the jeans and milk jugs were overflowing, but what’s most helpful is (wo)man power!
So if you could pencil this night into your calendar (AND RSVP – SPACE IS LIMITED!), we’ll be enjoyed a pot luck dinner, some beverages (yes, wine, yes) and some special, secret salon gifts to all who come and participate that evening.