April 24, 2017

Karina’s Mermaid Hair Journey

When I first started working at the Glass Door Salon, I had no wish to change my hair color. I loved my natural color, and I still do! Also, having long hair I was concerned about the health of the hair, and if it would still feel soft after being colored. However, after seeing client after client get beautiful, fun colors I started to warm up to the idea. Knowing I could always go back to my natural color if […]

(703) 568-6477




Tues./Fri.: 9:00-5:30

Wed.: 11:30-8:00

Thurs. 9:00-5:30 OR 11:30-8:00

Saturday: 9:00-4:00

Sun./Mon.: Closed

Glass Door Salon

  • 22237 Shaw Rd.
    Unit B3
    Sterling, VA 20166
    (Across from Emilio's)
  • (703) 568-6477