Tues./Fri.: 9:00-5:30
Wed.: 11:30-8:00
Thurs. 9:00-5:30 OR 11:30-8:00
Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Sun./Mon.: Closed
Glass Door Salon
- 22237 Shaw Rd.
Unit B3
Sterling, VA 20166
(Across from Emilio's)
In an area flooded with corporate and government employees, it’s not every day that we stylists get to branch out in the color wheel (beyond the realm of blonde and brunette). Our industry is filled with endless creative possibilities. Edgy, avant garde haircuts and all colors imaginable always make appearances at various hair shows.
Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of creating a few dramatic haircolor styles. First, we have Emily:
Not your usual salon request, Emily desired for her hair to be white. Yes, this is quite a process, although she is already light blonde. Anytime hair is lightened, it goes through a process which tends to leave our hair a bit dry at times, and out of shape, but thanks to Surface’s Trinity Protein Tonic, we are able to add this wonderful product directly into our hair lightener. This allows for the hair to maintain as much integrity as possible, while lightening hair to extremes. We perform something called a Double Process; beginning with a lightener all over, followed up by a second process color with a slight violet tint. The end result is this:
She looks like a natural, doesn’t she?
My next haircolor project was vivid, to say the least. Rachel desired to have red in the under layer of her hair. After consulting and deciding on a more permanent and vivid color, I began to brainstorm. Similar to Emily, we had to perform a double process on Rachel’s hair as well. We began with a lightener at the ends, then followed up at the roots. Because we weren’t looking to achieve a super light color, this first application didn’t have as much necessary processing time. Once shampooed and blown dry, I then followed up with a special red color formula. The end result is this:
A bit vivid? We both couldn’t believe it was HER hair.
1 Comment
Diggin’ that red! Yowza!