Tues./Fri.: 9:00-5:30
Wed.: 11:30-8:00
Thurs. 9:00-5:30 OR 11:30-8:00
Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Sun./Mon.: Closed
Glass Door Salon
- 22237 Shaw Rd.
Unit B3
Sterling, VA 20166
(Across from Emilio's)
We’re either pretty good at this job description stuff, or don’t know how this works AT ALL. Either way, we have only four stations left to fill at GDS 2.0 this fall. If you, or someone you know, finds the content below applicable, it’s time that we meet!
“If you hate your job, complain about your clients, and live by the motto, “Take care of Number 1,” we’re not your team.
But! If you have an ounce of teachability, an ounce of curiousity, and perhaps a sprinkle of nerd factor with a quirky appreciation for science and art all rolled into one, you might want to meet us.
Our team balances precision with goofiness, warmth with directness, and performance with joy. Divas need not apply; same goes for drama queens and lazy babies. We work hard so we can play hard; we revel in each other’s successes and celebrate our teammates’ growth. We do haircuts for the homeless and don’t ask, “What’s in it for me?”
If you hate continuing education, you’d definitely hate it here. We travel to hair shows and bring educators from around the country to hold classes and events in our salon. We show up on time, sit in the front and soak in all that glorious wisdom.
Email us if you think you might want to be adopted into our family. Definitely don’t reach out if you’re too cool to do someone else’s dishes, too boss to drape someone else’s client, too fabulous to sweep up after your coworker.”
1 Comment
Great ad!!! We can’t wait to see what GDSv2.0 has in store for us.