Tues./Fri.: 9:00-5:30
Wed.: 11:30-8:00
Thurs. 9:00-5:30 OR 11:30-8:00
Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Sun./Mon.: Closed
Glass Door Salon
- 22237 Shaw Rd.
Unit B3
Sterling, VA 20166
(Across from Emilio's)
We are full of shenanigans over here! After a hysterical Christmas party earlier this month, we waited and schemed our ensembles for our 2nd annual Over-the-Top Christmas Contest. It’s not that we don’t appreciate the idea of an Ugly Sweater Contest, but blowing hair dry in a sweater is nothing short of miserable. Instead, we like to push the limits and see who can be the most… Christmas. Assistants and stylists alike were tight-lipped, refusing to reveal any plans, but offered up a little smack talk here and there. Enjoy the group shot:
After posting this photo on about eight Facebook groups, I followed up with the closer, individual photos and sought the votes of some Loudoun county locals. Each of our photos were lettered, and it became clear that the competition was really between E (Emma, the present) and F (Cheryl, the nutcracker soldier). Louise had me laughing with her “Hurry Up and Kiss Me” shirt. Karina was absolutely adorable as a Christmas cookie baker. Her hair had cookie cutter details and her necklace was made of icing pipers! (And powdered sugar ended up everywhere…) Lindsay (our new apprentice – check her out here) impressed me with her caroling ensemble, both unexpected and instantly recognizable! In hind sight, my “Dear Santa Please Bring Me ABS” shirt would have probably looked more complete sans elf feet and in sneakers instead, giving the look a more complete theme. The elf shoes jingled and jangled all the live-long day. (Though I do wish you could have seen my children wake up to the sight of a glowing Christmas tree on my head.)
The two, neck-and-neck competitors had me chuckling all day long. Cheryl was quite a ways off when I saw her walking into the salon looking so serious with that golden rod in hand. Her tiny mustache was hysterical! Then I got a call from Emma telling me she wasn’t going to be early. (We take our schedule VERY seriously here and attempt, every day, to arrive 15 minutes before our first guest so that we can greet you in a manner you deserve!) I believe her words were, “I’m going to be a few minutes late. I couldn’t fit my costume into the car.”
Well, that’s a new one!
Me (Suzanna):
Voting lasted from Thursday through Saturday, giving us all plenty of time to share… and share… and share. I opted not to put our salon mascot Esther’s picture into the running as she stole too many votes from us last year! But she sure is adorable in her sweater and mistletoe. (We were competing for a spa gift card, so we weren’t messing around!)
In the end, Emma (E, the present) won fair and square with 362 votes, 160 more than Cheryl and approximately 345 more than each of the rest of us! (I was 2nd to last with 14 – 14! – votes.) I’m pretty sure we’ve all already begun plotting our next ensembles and will attempt to knock Emma off of her undefeated throne!
Congrats to Emma who represented the gift we all find her presence to be!
If you’re new to our site, welcome! You can find our stylist and assistant bios here and our menu of services here. (We are still working out an apprentice schedule that suits the salon, Lindsay, and the pace at which she learns.) Even though Virginia doesn’t require continuing education to maintain our licenses, we aggressively pursue it here and have shared a bit about that here. Thank you for participating with us and Merry Everything!
1 Comment
So cleverly made costume. Loved this. All of them did a great job but someone has to win right?.