Tues./Fri.: 9:00-5:30
Wed.: 11:30-8:00
Thurs. 9:00-5:30 OR 11:30-8:00
Saturday: 9:00-4:00
Sun./Mon.: Closed
Glass Door Salon
- 22237 Shaw Rd.
Unit B3
Sterling, VA 20166
(Across from Emilio's)
At Glass Door Salon, we love some friendly competition! This time of year is perfect for an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, but have you ever tried blow-drying hair in a sweater? It’s hot, it’s gross and it does not end in a pretty picture.
So we decided to have an Over-the-Top Christmas contest and compete for a gift card at a local spa. After posting our competition on several Facebook groups, we wound up with over 750 votes to count! (Picture Suzanna, in her jammies the night before our Christmas party, rattling off to her mother-in-law who held the tally sheet, “A… D… A… two D’s… three A’s… E…”)
The outfit featured in Costume A was designed by hairstylist Corinne who used fabric glue to adhere three bags of bows to her skirt! We all thought it was adorable! Unfortunately, she couldn’t sit down the entire day that she wore it!
Ensemble B was worn by our fabulous assistant, Cheryl. She had been looking for an excuse to wear a glitzy dress, actually bedazzled her glasses in red and green gems and sprayed her hair green! Mrs. Christmas-Something for sure.
Stylist Suzanna was sure that the Christmas pickle would give her an edge! It turns out that she had to go to both the bank AND the grocery store in this festive costume, headband and all. Raised a few eyebrows. Prompted some snickers.
The outfit featured in Costume D was worn by stylist Emma. She admitted that it was uncomfortable driving to work (she has the farthest commute!) with all the Christmas balls jamming into her back! We especially appreciated the gifts she glued to dangle beneath “the tree.” (In fact her husband later joked at the party that they didn’t need a Christmas tree; they could just stick Emma in the corner of the room and put the presents at her feet.)
Costume E was reportedly comfortable and obviously adorable! Our assistant, Karina, rolled her waist-length hair into the most precious Rudolph while sporting all sorts of unique Christmas patterns.
You must see a close up of her hair!
It had been decided that we would declare the Over-the-Top winner at our Christmas party. First we (and all of our Plus Ones) headed to the Alamo to have lunch and a movie. Suzanna had hoped that a Christmas classic would be playing. Alas, the only Christmas selection playing that Sunday afternoon was a Christmas horror flick.
Uhhhh… No, thanks.
So we voted on the next best option. Nothing says, “Merry Christmas,” like James Bond, right?
Following the movie, we headed back to our festively-decorated salon and enjoyed a hilarious White Elephant Exchange, two games and a Secret Sister swap.
Nobody grumbled as Suzanna announced the rules to the first game. Each couple had to wrap one gift with one hand behind their back. They were given a new roll of wrapping paper, an un-started roll of tape, a mysterious tin box, and a bow/tag to be labeled with their non-writing hand. Emma and Andrew won for first finished. Karina and Nathan won for most beautifully wrapped. After that competition, the girls were then encouraged to unwrap their tin and peek inside.
A little context: every week, we each write at least two nominations for another coworker to win Employee of the Month. Each nomination explains how that individual acted in a manner above and beyond her job description. During our monthly meeting, the previous winner draws the name of the new winner, a gift card is received, and then we take turns reading the rest of the entries. It’s very encouraging to hear, for instance, that Corinne was noticed for helping out with the dishes when Louise was stuck on the phone or that Cheryl brought in muffins for everyone, etc.
Suzanna had saved every slip, every nomination, all year long and inside their mystery tins had gifted them back to the nominated individuals. Every woman was able to read and reread how much she is appreciated here!
Then, following a Christmas movie trivia game, the Over-the-Top Christmas Contest winner was declared! After 750+ votes, with only a gap of 65 votes, Emma (Costume D) narrowly beat out Corinne (Costume A) for the spa gift card! It was a fabulous competition and we look forward to upping our game next year!
After a bit more mingling, egg-nogging, Hungarian-cookie-snacking and gluvine-ing, we all headed our separate ways with Merry Christmas smiles on our faces.
(We missed you, Louise! Hope you’re feeling 100% very soon!)
(And, Kay, we loved having you and Mike and ALWAYS appreciate your book-keeping, tax-paying, keep-the-government-happy-with-us services!)
(We had to keep Esther out of the competition in order for the rest of us to stand a chance.)
If you’d like to join the happy, kind (and obviously talented) atmosphere here, check out our menu of services and our bios!
Hi ..
I vote for ensemble “C”
The combination of colours is nicely matching and well arranged
Good Luck
Mr. Adel Sami
It was so hard to not be part of the shenanigans. Next year….look out!;)
Glad you used the photo where I actually had my hand behind my back. I kept forgetting!
It was a fun day! Thank you!
How wonderful! ?
AH!! Love all the costumes! ^_^